According to me and your Twitter, you’re crazy

A recent study of Twitter users found that, by analyzing their language, people could be effectively diagnosed as psychopaths.

And to think, I’ve been telling you that you’re crazy this entire time and you didn’t believe me.

The study analyzed three traits—psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism—and showed that certain words were tipoffs:

What are some of the Twitter stylings of these undesirables? Curse words. Angry responses to other people, including swearing and use of the word “hate.” Using the word “we.” Using periods. Using filler words such as “blah” and “I mean” and “um.”

F*ck haters! I mean…umMm…we don’t need that ish. #blah

In other words—any Chris Brown tweet qualifies.


never forget that he did this

A second study was performed that ranked levels of agreement on the following questions:


1. Payback needs to be quick and nasty.
2. I like to pick on losers.


1. I have been compared to famous people.
2. I insist on getting the respect I deserve.


1. You should wait for the right time to get back at people.
2. Most people are suckers.

I vote yes on all the above, what does that make me?

Well, out of 3000 tested, 41 people qualified as bonafide psychopath narcissist Machiavellians.

And the degree of correlation between language and responses to the assessments? Extremely high.

Like I already told you: you’re crazy for sleeping with your ex again, and judging by your ratchet tweets, even scientists agree with me.

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