Congratulations, losers! How Ann Coulter trolled you all…

More than 200 schoolgirls were abducted recently by Boko Haram, an Islamist terrorist group in Nigeria.

This is the type of thing that probably requires close military work with the Nigerian government, swift and continuous diplomacy, and a deployment of special forces to swoop in and save the girls before they’re harmed.

But instead, it’s become a Twitter campaign, which as we all know is The Most Effective Way To Do Anything These Days™.

Even First Lady Michelle Obama got in on the action, posting the following tweet:

…because sleeping next to the Commander-in-Chief apparently never gets you what you want.

Don’t ask Michelle…ask Monica, who most definitely entered the White House a non-smoker.

Ann Coulter parodied the sadface :(#BringBackOurGirls message of Michelle Obama, holding the same expression and a similar piece of paper that said, #BringBackOurCountry.

The tweet is captioned, “My hashtag contribution to world affairs…”

The photo was widely disseminated and retweeted over 2800 times, leading to a plethora of photoshops and parodies with “#BringBackMySoul” and other stupid crap.

Talking Points Memo breathlessly characterized the photo as “backfires big time”.

Gawker featured a gallery called, “Here’s a collection of Twitter trolls teaching Photoshop to Ann Coulter”.

HuffPost went for the simple (as per usual): “LOL: Ann Coulter’s AMAZING Fail”.

Yet these three outlets and hundreds of photoshop artists failed to realize that the joke is on them.

They distributed Coulter’s photo to hundreds of thousands of people, across headlines, Twitter, Reddit, etc–an audience much, much further than a couple thousand people on Twitter.

This was what Coulter wanted.  By becoming a lightning rod for the unbalanced hate of others, her message spread far and wide.

Congratulations, losers. Ann Coulter trolled you all.

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