Hashtag Marianne 2020

Imma keep this brief: Marianne Williamson is the ideal Democratic candidate in the year of our lordt(TM) 2018 that can challenge Donald Trump.

She’s from outside the mainstream (not a senator, congressperson, governor, so on), celebrity-supported (they didn’t call her “The Kardashian Kandidate” for nothing), Oprah-approved (like Trump in the 80s!).

living for this oprah hairstyle evolution

LA people are familiar with Marianne, but during the 2nd half of the first Democratic 2020 debate, she was introduced to many people: “yasss kween” Brooklynites, confused Boomers watching CNN, and the usual political gadflies.  

the power in this image

Her videos are unplanned, almost precocious in their presentation, much unlike the disturbingly-coiffed Biden apologia, Instagram-ready BTS Buttigieg clips, and potential Klobuchar snuff films.  

Her tweets are off-the-cuff, not the words of pretzel-twisted campaign consultants or focus-tested gladhanders, much like our Tweeter-in-chief.

Each of us is pregnant with a better version of ourselves.— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) August 8, 2012

“Know when to walk away from the table.” The Art of the Deal— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 27, 2011

She’s known for her books, her coziness with A-listers, and the bon mots that are a salve for a certain demographic in America: somewhere along the way, something went very wrong.  We don’t win anymore, we’ve lost ourselves, we have to do things completely differently.  For Trump that’s an external battle against a never-ending onslaught of enemies: China, the Swamp, and so on.  For Marianne, that battle is an internal one, the soul of America.  You won’t find marginal change within the constructs of the existing system here.

Marianne was the first to throw reparations on the table in this cycle, taking an issue unspoken but felt among a major group of Americans and tossing it into the center of the ring.  Now most major candidates have thrown some soundbite or another to the cameras to just.get.through yet another news cycle.  It’s the immigration of this election, and the candidate with the correct answer will capture the base.  And of course, make some very wealthy people very uncomfortable.

She targets the spiritual crisis in America, advocating for an awakening that’s parts Aimee Semple, parts crystal alignment, part metaphysics.  Tone-wise, they couldn’t be more opposite.

Marianne is ready to hug our enemies, Trump wants to “beat the hell” out of them. Both find comfort in being diametrically opposed to war with Iran. Both agree on China.

What else could be more representative of the right-left id than a gold-plated wheeler-and-dealer billionaire businessman versus a soft-spoken, self-empowering female author who reminds you of your therapist?

In their respective realms, Donald and Marianne are blatantly authentic.  They dance goofily for the camera.  They’re not awkwardly cracking beers, flailing on stage, or pretending to tolerate some Iowa corn shucking festival.

I need to learn Spanish by tomorrow night at 9.— Marianne Williamson (@marwilliamson) June 27, 2019

I mean come on, who else is self-effacing enough to whip out the above when candidates are climbing over each other to spit out a few Taco Bell menu phrases and pander to the audience?


Trump, Marianne: they’d be comfortable not winning. They have millions of dollars to go home to. They weren’t poli-sci majors. They’re millionaire self-help authors. This isn’t their end-all, be-all.

They’re giving us entertainment while having fun.  What more could we ask for?

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