Finally, Chanel helps you go to the grocery store looking stylish

$5,000 couture gowns and $2,000 heels are beautiful for a night out, but you don’t wear them that often.


It’s not feasible. There’s dry cleaning that’s gotta be picked up. You gotta go to work. You got sh*t to do.

If designers were honest, they’d realize you spend most of your damn time at the grocery store, wandering the aisles, looking for Diet Coke, reading nutrition facts even though you’re just gonna buy a bunch of Twizzlers at the checkout counter.

Karl Lagerfeld’s got you covered, girl.

Chanel’s *iconic* purse strap, the metal chain and leather cable, has been turned into a brass-and-leather shopping basket by that crazy old man.

I want it.

I LOVE it.

And so does Anna Dello Russo.

You remember her? The one who looks like some bats*t homeless woman?

She shows up with one of these $12,000 shopping baskets…to hold her two other Chanel purses.

get it

Not gonna lie…I gotta give her some respect.

It’s called FASHUN and girl makes you look it up.

Would you carry around a Chanel shopping basket?

These 3 year old twins are better dressed than you will ever be

These two little twins are so goddamn cute.

They have matching outfits, matching cross necklaces, matching sunglasses, matching bowties.

I just can’t.

According to their mama:

The boys definitely have developed an interest in fashion, whenever you dress them up they would use the words “mummy can we strike a pose.



Let’s be honest–your man will never, EVER look this fresh.

So aim to have twin boys so you can dress em up like this.

Why y’all criticizing Bethenny?

Everyone’s raining down a bunch of hate on Bethenny Frankel for posting a photo of her wearing her daughter’s pajamas on Instagram, as a joke.

For reference, here’s the photo:

She posted it with the following caption:

Think we’re ready to start sharing clothes yet?

It’s what we in the business call, “a joke”.

But sometimes, people are just what we in the business call “stupid”.

One message read: ‘Really don’t think your sending your daughter a good message. She probably thinks wow my mom’s a lot older than me and can fit my clothes, so I must be really big for my age.’

Didn’t know her daughter was mentally retarded.

‘Starting a complex early for your daughter,’ another commenter added of the pic.

Another message read: ‘I would just caution doing this as she gets more impressionable. She needs to develop a healthy self-image because she may not have all of your genes…and it won’t be obvious to you, but it will look as though you are competing with her.’

It’s a joke. Stop it. You’re giving the girl a complex by making one up.

And now reality star Bethenny Frankel has felt the wrath of a Manhattan judge, who warned the mother that it’s time to stop playing dress up as a four-year-old.

‘No more pajamas!’ Justice Ellen Gesmer warned Frankel’s attorney, Allan Mayefsky in court.

The judge yesterday said Frankel had used poor judgment by posting the photograph online in July, adding that the episode was ‘ridiculous’, Page Six reports.

The judge also said she was concerned the image would be on the internet well into the years when Frankel’s daughter can read and see the post and responses for herself.


Never one to turn down the opportunity to evaluate a joke made on social media, I give Frankel’s a D+, primarily because it’s unseemly and projects body dysmorphia louder than an ambulance stuck in rush hour traffic.

*drops mic, picks it up, throws it at people like Britney in the “I Wanna Go video”*

always and forever queen

Simple b*ches be acting like Bethenny posted a photo of her daughter with a noose around her neck captioned “my first lynching!”

This is a good test though.

If you’re offended by this photo, then let’s snip out your ovaries right now.

You don’t deserve to have kids if you’re gonna be this stupid and you’re gonna screw em up anyway.

give bethenny ALL the children

Kim Kardashian goes to fashion show and…nothing happens?

Usually whenever we see a Kardashian story it’s because someone ate sh*t or was attacked by a stranger or there’s a breakup or something horrible has happened.

But there’s nothing to see here that’s bad, folks.

She looks surprisingly good in this catsuit.


Kanye looks calm.

stop it you’re melting my tiny ice bitch heart

The daughter is cute.

Kris is making cute faces with the daughter.

There’s literally nothing bad to report about.

I’m at a loss.

I have kids to feed.  I have babydaddies who don’t pay child support.

Someone do something controversial, dammit!

Trip a model!

Dead-leg a paparazzo!


my family is getting these two pictures in my christmas cards this year

Omg Gretchen Wieners looks so cute now

It makes me cramp to think that Mean Girls came out a decade ago.


What kind of cruel world is this, where a decade can pass and Lindsay Lohan is still getting her sh*t together?

Gretchen Wieners was an *iconic* character in the show, but I feel like we really haven’t seen much of her lately.

Until now.

And she looks so cute!

Now let’s all dream of the alternative timeline where Lindsay Lohan looked the same…

eh, not bad!

I can’t handle this selfie with Imelda Marcos right now

I was born ostentatious. They will list my name in the dictionary someday. They will use Imeldific to mean ostentatious extravagance.

Imelda Marcos was, is, and always will be queen.

Girl had so many pairs of shoes she put them in a museum.

How many?

She doesn’t even know.

She had so many shoes she left 1,220 pairs of them at the Presidential Palace when she fled.


She almost bought the Empire State Building but said “it’s too ostentatious”.

She’s even got a freakin Michelangelo.


At 85 years old she’s a member of Congress in the Philippines and worth five BILLION dollars, the richest woman in the country.

And she was on Season 1 of Project Runway Philippines.

Here’s a quote of Imelda’s, just to get you into her mindset:

It is not expensive to be beautiful. It takes only a little effort to be presentable and beautiful. But it takes some effort. And unfortunately people think of beauty as luxury, beauty as frivolity, … or extravagance. Beauty is a discipline, beauty is art, is harmony, in the ideological sense and in the theological sense, beauty is God and love made real. And the ultimate reach in this world is beauty.

She’s a living piece of history, and it’s cool she posed for this badass selfie with two tourists.


it goes without saying: queen

I don’t get why it’s ok to dress like this

Demi Moore’s daughter rarely gets it right when it comes to fashion.

what the hell

She has no excuse. Her mother is Demi Moore, a freaking icon.

demi moore, age FIFTY-ONE

So what the hell is this?

oh honey no

A cowboy fringe jacket and high-waisted mom jeans?

This is the bad kind of ratchetude, kiddies.

what’s wrong with white people

Converse and sloppy-fitting clothes on a freaking red carpet?

It doesn’t matter if you’re going to a pro-AIDS charity event (unless you’re a fat chick or Whoopi Goldberg) wear better shoes for chrissakes.

You even dressed ok once!

Sure, the collar is weird, but other than that, you’re clearly CAPABLE of not looking like trash.

Get it together, hun.

Would you wear…a bed?

I may have just found your new outfit for the club:

For $40, a Japanese office supply company makes the Wearable Futon Air Mat set, which is a bodysuit and inflatable mattress you can wear with you anywhere that instantly turns into a bed.

First you inflate the mattress, then you lay down, and voila! you can literally sleep anywhere.

Honestly, would you wear something like this? It’s a little cray but sh*t, we’ve all been there when you just wanna lay down for a hot minute for a nap during the day.

They should give these to the homeless, cuz as cool as this sounds you ain’t gonna catch me walkin around wearin no futon n shit.

it’s called fashun look it up

Kim Kardashian is a legal midget

To sex-starved men across the Middle East, Kim Kardashian is an icon.

While they’re used to a bunch of cloaked figures serving as objects of desire, in comes Kim Kardashian–a buxom vision with Nefertiti eyes who must look like she’s seven feet tall.

here to f*ck up your gender norms

But in reality, she’s actually short.

Very short.

Shorter than you think.

Homegirl’s actually 5’3″.

my legs…i can’t keep up!

These pictures clearly show where she’s surrounded by models, including her sister, who are 5’10” and taller, and it’s no contest.

She looks like she’s been photoshopped into a bad Godzilla reboot.


For comparison: Khloe is 5’10”, which is why she looks 6’4″ next to her family.

she’s BENDING DOWN and still taller than her sister

And Kourtney?

She’s 5’0″.

it’s like having a personal mini-me

Poor Kourtney.

Would you wear these futuristic looks?

Kenzo is Japanese/French design house which seems to take the weirdest parts of both and make some truly crazy looking stuff.

And in Paris they turnt it up to 11.

like bai ling and tilda swinton had offspring

I really want to like these glasses.

I really do.

But we JUST stopped with the shield glasses and now they’re back again?  What was that, like, two years ago?

Many companies still sell them and lawd they’re back.  It’s like they never left.

Cool handbags tho.

Kenzo is big on large-armed coats, like…letterman jackets.

And they continued that theme for this season.

It’s ok, but if it fits this odd on the model, how the hell’s it gonna fit on some size 8 b*tch going into a job interview?

Now mind you, it wasn’t all like some freaky anime universe came to life.

Some of this stuff is pretty cute, and this one in particular would make a great pink party dress.

But the detail items and accessories were where the true weird came out.

They look like the future, but like retro-future.  Like 1999 retro.  Like something you’d see on a damn *NSYNC album cover or some sh*t.

And now you’re wondering–what the hell do you wear to a fashion show with such wild crap?

Anna Dello Russo, some stylist, showed up looking like this.

Honey, at a certain point you skip “eccentric” and turn it all the way up to “batsh*t hideous”.