This takedown of Raven Symone tho…

We all heard Raven Symone’s comments this week about how she would discriminate and not hire people with certain names:

I’m not about to hire you if your name is Watermelondrea. It’s just not going to happen. I’m not going to hire you.

Which is why we were stunned to hear when Raven, just a couple days later, tried to lecture Ann Coulter, a guest on The View panel.

Raven tried to lecture Coulter about past statements, saying that “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”.

Coulter ain’t having NONE of that…

Well…I’m at least talking about policy. You have a position on what people’s names should be…”Watermelondrea”. I mean…you insult people for their names. I’m talking about a government policy that affects all Americans, and immigrants, and the people living here, and it’s harming our country.

So you don’t follow it.

The look on Raven’s face:

The look on the panel’s faces:

The look on Coulter’s face:

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