Finally, Chanel helps you go to the grocery store looking stylish

$5,000 couture gowns and $2,000 heels are beautiful for a night out, but you don’t wear them that often.


It’s not feasible. There’s dry cleaning that’s gotta be picked up. You gotta go to work. You got sh*t to do.

If designers were honest, they’d realize you spend most of your damn time at the grocery store, wandering the aisles, looking for Diet Coke, reading nutrition facts even though you’re just gonna buy a bunch of Twizzlers at the checkout counter.

Karl Lagerfeld’s got you covered, girl.

Chanel’s *iconic* purse strap, the metal chain and leather cable, has been turned into a brass-and-leather shopping basket by that crazy old man.

I want it.

I LOVE it.

And so does Anna Dello Russo.

You remember her? The one who looks like some bats*t homeless woman?

She shows up with one of these $12,000 shopping baskets…to hold her two other Chanel purses.

get it

Not gonna lie…I gotta give her some respect.

It’s called FASHUN and girl makes you look it up.

Would you carry around a Chanel shopping basket?

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