FINALLY heels that don’t hurt your feet

Dr. Taryn Rose was an orthopedic surgeon who created some of the first comfortable heels on the market.


She even walked up 282 steps in a pair of three inch heels to show how comfortable her heels are, which is certifiably badass.

And now she’s Kickstarting a new kind of heel–designed to cover all three of your arches (betcha didn’t even know you had three).

‘The wings “flutter” as you walk to provide a pumping action, which helps blood flow back to your heart from your feet,’ Dr Rose tells MailOnline. ‘This provides comfort and decreases swelling in your feet.’

The brand is called Enrico Cuini for DRESR, and it’s part of a revolutionary campaign to crowdfund a full fashion line.

They have a freaking carbon fiber insert to brace your foot–high tech!

Honestly, I’m impressed.

The cutouts are cute, the colors are hot, and the shape is on point.

They won’t be cheap–priced from $350 to $1995.

But girl, that’s still cheaper than Louboutins.

*lists soul on eBay*

Best part?

They look hot as hell.

What do you think?

Would you try these out?

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