How photoshop is used for good

When you think “photoshop”, you think of some model airbrushed within an inch of her life and looking like a damn smear.

wtf?  girl ain’t nobody that skinny!

When one reddit user posted this photo with the following caption, it was hard to take.

My grandma wanted to see the ocean one last time before checking into hospice. Her face says it all.

Here’s a woman with a face of inescapable joy–despite her disability, her condition, and while her body is in pain her soul is young and vibrant.

One fellow redditor decided to use photoshop, for good, by shopping out the dear lady’s catheter bag, which inadvertently entered the shot.

It’s a little change, but it made all the difference.

May we treasure our loved ones for as long as we’re blessed to have them.

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