I can’t handle this theme wedding right now

If “drunk” is a theme, then my wedding will be a theme wedding.

Because we all know…ain’t none of my family is gonna show up if there’s no open bar.

just die

But this couple turned “theme wedding” all the way up to 11 with their Little Mermaid inspired wedding.

apparently he couldn’t find more than one dude to go along with this

I love those nails tho…

omg stahhhhhp


Part of me is extremely jealous that they pulled off this awesome picture-perfect wedding without a hitch and that it’s well-thought-out and creative.

And the other part of me is like “smh…white people…”

Anyway, I want those macaroons RIGHT MEOW.

UPDATE: This wasn’t a real wedding it was all a photoshoot to promote a wedding service god is dead

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