If you love your iPhone so much why don’t you marry it?

Look, we’re all a-dick-ted to our iPhones, or if you’re poor, Androids.

We text with them, we call with them, we selfie with them, we Instagram with them, we take them to the bathroom, to work, to bed, to dinner, and to meetings with our parole officers.

In fact, we’re kind of in a relationship with our phones. They were there when we swiped right on Tinder and met our new boy and there when we broke up with that POS because he was still using Tinder.

But your phone is neglected. You beat that processor up but you you don’t put a ring on it.

Your phone wants to change that with Ringly.

The ring, available for preorder this week for $145, connects to an iPhone or Android and alerts the wearer to incoming texts, calls, calendar alerts, or emails. It also allows for push notifications from Tinder, eBay, Facebook, and Twitter. If info is coming in, the ring will vibrate and flash a tiny light, so the wearer can be aware of communication without sacrificing social etiquette or style.

The ring ain’t bad looking, even if it looks kinda like a Ring Pop for adults.

i’d rock it

You can also choose the kind of stone you want, so you can buy a Ringly to match your nail polish or, for you special lil ratchets, weave.

dey even got purple cuz you all regal and ish

Unlike those nerdy Samsung watches, you don’t have to go around town looking like C3PO to get notifications from your phone.

Your phone’s a part of your life now. Isn’t it time you took things to the next level?

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