Kris Jenner doesn’t hold back

Can we all just agree that Kris Jenner is one of the hardest working people in show business?

and hardest partying

Girl’s (well, she’s kinda too old to be called girl anymore) job is promotion.

She promoted her daughters with one man, her daughters with another man, herself, and the whole family, and she hits the ground to do it every damn day.

I don’t think in the past eight years I’ve ever seen that woman just take a break. Or go to the mall and walk around a bit with a Wetzel’s Pretzel. Or kick back with a bottle of wine at a patio cafe.

if she wants to drink she damn well is getting paid to do it

Case-in-point: Kris was caught arriving at LAX, walking through the terminal wearing one hell of a beautiful animal, and was holding one thing in her hands:

A Cosmo cover with her daughter Kylie on it.

It wasn’t just something she was holding casually, like a minimal-IQ celebrity holding a stack of Penguin Classics to prove that they can read at a beyond-4th-grade level.

She flaunts it. She holds it cover-out in a way that nobody would ever hold a magazine in everyday life.

yes, that’s her in a completely different part of LAX holding the mag the same exact way

She made a story about it.

She wants the headline to be her holding it.


She wants the later headline to be that this was their most successful, highest-sales cover of the year.

That 10% is hers.

She wants it, she gets it, and she never, ever holds back, unlike you lazy bitches do sitting in bed with a carton of gelato watching Netflix do.

Get it “girl”.

Get that commission.


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