Mia Farrow has no pictures of her black children

When you think Mia Farrow, you think of the woman who was 1) Woody Allen’s ex-wife and 2) has an enormous, globe-spanning variety of adopted children.

My first thought when having a bunch of children is how the hell I would keep all their names straight. Kids don’t have pronoun names like “mom”, “dad”, or “uncle handsy”.

but let’s face it, the man can pull off gold lamé like no other

Children have to be called by their names to establish an identity from being an infant to being an adult. Unless they’re a reality-insulated child of the British upper-class who acquires a nickname like “Porky”, that name will stay with them for the rest of their life.

Consequently, *most* good parents always carry around photos of their children. It used to be small, wallet-sized snaps that would be deployed at a moment’s notice by a proud dad selling his little angel’s Girl Scout Troop 666 “Will-Make-You-Gain-Love-Handles-On-Your-Neck-Fat Mints” and now it’s probably some weird iCloud album devoted to your little boobug but parents carrying around photos of their children is a time-honored touchstone of mankind since cavemen dragged around school photo day paint chips from Lascaux.

and THAT was Ur’s first hunter-gathering!

*everyone rolls eyes*

But Mia Farrow is not any normal parent.

She has not one, not two, but FOURTEEN children, ten of whom were adopted.

this is only half of them

And in wishing her cute daughter a happy 21st on Twitter, she shared a Google Images screenshot of her daughter.

Hold your weaves–that’s not even the worst part.

To search for the image–of her OWN daughter–she typed:

mia farrow and her black children


her daughter be like “tha f*ck?”

I’m sure…no, I’m POSITIVE that if someone referred to her kids in an interview “So Mia, how are your black children?” she would flip a b*tch.

She deleted the Tweet with the screenshot image after, but the damage was already done.

Your phone’s got what — 16 gigs, Mia? Don’t give me that “but I have a Galaxy” BS either.

If you can’t keep photos of your kids on your phone, don’t have 14 of them.

And for Black Jesus’s sake–don’t separate them by race.

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