Naomi so turnt up she can’t even tweet right

Naomi Campbell been throwing too many phones lately.

body look good but if that’s your real hair i’ll eat my weave

She posted a tweet congratulating Malala Yousafzai, the 17-year-old girl who survived being shot in the head by the Taliban to become a crusader for women’s education.

But Naomi couldn’t get her sh*t together.

what the…?

First of all, she called the poor girl “malaria”. As far as typos go…this is about as bad as you can get. That’s like calling Ebony Magazine “Ebola”.

Then she couldn’t even spell “Nobel Peace Prize” right…she called it the “noblepeaceprize”.

And to put the cherry on top of the sh*t sundae–she hashtagged “ithalljuststarted”.

Girl get it TOGETHER. This is Twitter, not War and Peace.

Put the damn champagne down and tweet right unless you fired the poor little girl who was in charge of your tweeting by chucking your 6 Plus at her head, in which case, we understand. I’m sure Malala could take her job–she can take the heat.

eternal queen

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