Stupid school lets girl get bullied, then punishes her for littering

Man, I don’t know what’s wrong with schools these days.

Teachers don’t step up and discipline students, administrators expel kids for biting Pop Tarts into gun shapes, and parents stop being parents and leave ass-whooping to molesting teachers.

For example, here’s an example of some 21st-century bullying:

Caitlin Prater-Haacke, an 11th-grader who lives in a suburb of Calgary, Canada, had her school locker vandalized by bullies, who took her iPad and used it to post cruel messages on her Facebook.

Shi*ty, right? They sure didn’t do that when I was in school.

So Caitlin had an idea which sounds pretty sweet:

But rather than retaliate, the student decided to spread happiness instead, and came into school last week armed with 850 Post-It notes covered in messages like ‘You’re awesome!’ and ‘Be yourself’.

Shoot, why can’t there be more Caitlins in the world? Can you imagine how much of a better place it would be?

I hope she didn’t put notes that said “you’re awesome” and “be yourself” on the bullies’ lockers tho. Cuz they ain’t and they shouldn’t.

Anyway, after this nice gesture, Caitlin became a school hero, right?

Caitlin was pulled out of class, shouted at by staff and told that the school janitors are not there to clean up her mess, the Calgary Sun reported.

Caitlin done pissed off some lazy-ass union members by being a nice girl.

Homeschooling’s starting to look reaaaal good right now.

Eventually, the community rallied behind Caitlin with a movement called #positivepostitday and the school changed their minds, because don’t people know by now the villain never wins?

newly-crowned queen

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