Was this senator making a joke, or committing sexual assault?

Amid the increased recognition of sexual assault in Hollywood, a photo surfaced of now-senator, then-comedian Al Franken groping former Playboy model Leann Tweeden on a USO tour to the Middle East.

Tweeden also relayed that Franken forcibly kissed her on the USO tour.

This is an interesting case, because on its own, Franken can claim it was a joke (even though Tweeden obviously didn’t think it was).

But this, combined with the other actions Tweeden claim that Franken committed on this trip, as well as three other accusations “[ranging] from groping to forcibly kissing”, we have to wonder: has Sen. Franken been committing a pattern of sexual assault?

As of yet, the Senator has not stepped down or been officially reprimanded.  Time will tell.


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