What is this shark video I can’t even

I still don’t understand how videos go “viral” n shit.

Like, is there a formula for making sure a video has the right title, like “Omg secret leaked Jennifer Lawrence nudes hacked!” for a clip of your kids talking about how Charlie bit their finger?

But somehow, this viral video has got me intrigued:


It’s a baby shark…

…in a cat costume…

…riding a Roomba.

Let’s think about the feasibility here.

Sharks die out of water, so this obviously can’t be a real shark.

Also, trying to slip a shark into a cat costume must be the equivalent of getting Patron back into the bottle.

And on top of that–putting it on a Roomba and having it hold still?

So obvi, it ain’t real.

But what if?

What if you could get a pet shark and put it in a cat costume and put it on a Roomba without getting bitten or turning your living room into a local exhibition of the Long Beach Aquarium?

This is what it would look like.

And I can’t stop watching.

in ur house, cleanin ur floors

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