White girl meets Dominican man online, go for it or nah?

Listen to this woman’s story and see if this is a good idea:

I am 26 years old and I have been in love with a man from San Pedro de Macorís sense 2006. We both know that we are to far to make anything serious so we have always put off meeting. I speak with him mult. times a day via phone, facebook, & skype. I have also spoke to his family. Melqui has NEVER asked me for money & when I was going to send it he would not allow be to do so. he taught me about Dominican men and how a lot of the treat woman. he also taught me that there are dominican men who make a living off of american woman and telling them what they want to hear so they fall in love. even tho melqui does not make a lot of money he sends me gifts, buys our phone cards to talk, & never has disrespected me. We both love each other and after 7 years i am ready to dravel to DR to finally meet him in person. I am a American woman traveling alone. I will be staying in a resort & he will be staying with me & also helped me pay for the my trip there. My friends and family think i am crazy for going to a thrid world country where i do not know anyone, but after 7 years i feel Melqui and i deserve to do this for eachother. i am white (American) but i speak spanish fluently…. Can anyone give me any advice?

The red flags, they’re strong with this one.

First things first, if this man loves her so much, why has he been talking to her for seven years and not saved up enough money to meet her?

Tickets are only a few hundred bucks, and honey if he can’t make that much in SEVEN years, you drop the lazy bastard.

Second of all, just because he told you about how scuzzy Dominican brothas are doesn’t mean he ain’t trying to scam you.

I’m sure plenty of thieves would tell you to carry your wallet in your front pocket.

Third, why are you going alone to a resort to meet a stranger? Ain’t you ever watched that thing called the news?

Fourth–so you talked to his family. They must be THRILLED. This is their ticket off the islands!

Like one commenter said, “He might be in lust with your photo, but more to the point: you will find out the hard way that he wants you because in his eyes (and the eyes of his family) you are a rich American.”

Speaking of commenters, every commenter was like “OH HONEY NO” and brought up a good point–how do you know the dude ain’t got a wife and kids already? Or that you’re the only American he’s talking to? Or just because he’s not getting money from you specifically, doesn’t mean he ain’t gettin it from another lonely ass ho from Tennessee rubbin her clitty to some island D?

Idk…bitch never responded cuz she’s prolly dead now. Would you go meet a stranger under these circumstances?

internet creep be like “when you gonna come visit the islands bae”

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