Why y’all criticizing Bethenny?

Everyone’s raining down a bunch of hate on Bethenny Frankel for posting a photo of her wearing her daughter’s pajamas on Instagram, as a joke.

For reference, here’s the photo:

She posted it with the following caption:

Think we’re ready to start sharing clothes yet?

It’s what we in the business call, “a joke”.

But sometimes, people are just what we in the business call “stupid”.

One message read: ‘Really don’t think your sending your daughter a good message. She probably thinks wow my mom’s a lot older than me and can fit my clothes, so I must be really big for my age.’

Didn’t know her daughter was mentally retarded.

‘Starting a complex early for your daughter,’ another commenter added of the pic.

Another message read: ‘I would just caution doing this as she gets more impressionable. She needs to develop a healthy self-image because she may not have all of your genes…and it won’t be obvious to you, but it will look as though you are competing with her.’

It’s a joke. Stop it. You’re giving the girl a complex by making one up.

And now reality star Bethenny Frankel has felt the wrath of a Manhattan judge, who warned the mother that it’s time to stop playing dress up as a four-year-old.

‘No more pajamas!’ Justice Ellen Gesmer warned Frankel’s attorney, Allan Mayefsky in court.

The judge yesterday said Frankel had used poor judgment by posting the photograph online in July, adding that the episode was ‘ridiculous’, Page Six reports.

The judge also said she was concerned the image would be on the internet well into the years when Frankel’s daughter can read and see the post and responses for herself.


Never one to turn down the opportunity to evaluate a joke made on social media, I give Frankel’s a D+, primarily because it’s unseemly and projects body dysmorphia louder than an ambulance stuck in rush hour traffic.

*drops mic, picks it up, throws it at people like Britney in the “I Wanna Go video”*

always and forever queen

Simple b*ches be acting like Bethenny posted a photo of her daughter with a noose around her neck captioned “my first lynching!”

This is a good test though.

If you’re offended by this photo, then let’s snip out your ovaries right now.

You don’t deserve to have kids if you’re gonna be this stupid and you’re gonna screw em up anyway.

give bethenny ALL the children

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