IALGIAPPD Winter 2018 Playlist

It’s that time of year again bitches.

Christmas is over, Hanukkah is over, Pumpkin Spice is over, and it’s the time of year where we put our big furry coats on and go to work at soulless jobs if we’re lucky.

I’ve got six songs to warm up your cold hearts on your way to work or a regrettable hookup with your ex.

1) Rihanna/Britney Spears – S&M Remix

The original song was cheesy af but somehow Britney makes it perfect? Idk why this didn’t result in more mashups but this is your yes it’s freezing but get up, get moving, get your sh*t together jam.

2) Klaus Nomi – The Cold Song
This took a turn.
Famed opera singer Klaus Nomi had a final performance weeks before dying of HIV/AIDS.
It’s wrenching, it’s powerful, and I want to be frozen in an ALCOR chamber when I “die” with this song playing.

3) Queen of Hearts – Shoot the Bullet
Ok we’re back to upbeat!
Not a Top 40 song by any means, but this is a BOP. I want to hear more from her.

4) Azealia Banks – 212
I don’t care what people say, I don’t care how “problematic” it is, I will stan Azealia Banks until the day I “die” (or are lowered into a -196°C chamber).
My goal’s eventually to sing this karaoke in front of horrified onlookers.
This song will get you ready for a fight, a meeting, a gangbang, whatever!

5) St. Vincent – Los Ageless
I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve blasted this down Sunset Blvd. It’s such a damn good song, and it makes me want a 1970 Cadillac DeVille convertible like Mischa Barton, cigarette in hand. I can just imagine her, headed towards the coast, casting her career worries in the back seat, racing towards summer.


Was this senator making a joke, or committing sexual assault?

Amid the increased recognition of sexual assault in Hollywood, a photo surfaced of now-senator, then-comedian Al Franken groping former Playboy model Leann Tweeden on a USO tour to the Middle East.

Tweeden also relayed that Franken forcibly kissed her on the USO tour.

This is an interesting case, because on its own, Franken can claim it was a joke (even though Tweeden obviously didn’t think it was).

But this, combined with the other actions Tweeden claim that Franken committed on this trip, as well as three other accusations “[ranging] from groping to forcibly kissing”, we have to wonder: has Sen. Franken been committing a pattern of sexual assault?

As of yet, the Senator has not stepped down or been officially reprimanded.  Time will tell.

Milo slams Spacey

Kevin Spacey’s response to accusations of sexual misconduct were designed to illicit a certain kind of protective response from a Social Justice Warrior mindset.

In town for his speech at Cal State Fullerton, Milo stopped by for a segment on Good Day LA to talk about his thoughts on the accusations against Kevin Spacey, his “alt-right” label and more. In the interview, Milo takes a firm stance on Equality, saying that not only are gay people doing just fine but that “we should be held to the same standard as everybody else, and Kevin Spacey is undermining that with his excuse making”.

The clip veers away from Spacey as the host takes the opportunity to ask Milo if he ever wants to apologize to Leslie Jones, whose riffs he made on Twitter got him banned from the platform. Milo of course says “no” to any desire to apologize, correcting the host that his crack on Jones wasn’t the race baiting one that other users posted at the time which got conflated with and ultimately blamed on Milo (because of course everyone was so cordial and polite on Twitter before Milo made his joke) but rather his comment was that Ghost Busters had a “hot black guy” in it. After that, they cover the dubious assertion that Milo is a leader of the “Alt Right”, which critics of right-wing principals almost always deliberately or ignorantly confuse with being a faction of the right-wing, when in fact the entire purpose of the movement is, as its name states: to create an Alternative to the current Right that is based on racism. Milo rightly laughed off the accusation, noting that he’s “a gay jew with a black husband” – 3 designations the Alt-Right is against.

Coach confuses everyone with announcement that it’s changing its name to Tapestry

Coach no more; as the company changes its name to Tapestry, effective this Halloween (October 31st, in case you forgot)… but why though? And isn’t it kindov a dumb move to change the name of such an icon? And isn’t Tapestry unexciting to say the least?

Actually, they just changed the Holding company name to Tapestry, not the actual brand name, so nobody understood it.

Coach’s stock price is up 11% for the year but fell as much as 3% in apparent panic over the news. To calm down nervous customers fearing what’s to come, Coach CEO Victor Luis had to reassure that “No one will ever see the word Tapestry on a Coach store”, explaining to TheStreet that the name change was just for corporate purposes.

They needed to make clear that Coach will be Coach, and they didn’t.

Coach says it did “extensive research” with its 20,000 employees worldwide in order to find a name “that will stand the test of time, help it grow into new categories and avoid confusion among consumers and investors”. Changing the name Coach to a word that means “any woven fabric”  doesn’t immediately show results of a 20,000 member study, but that “test of time” will show if Tapestry passes or fails I guess.

 Unfortunately, the Coach/Tapestry company has been mismanaging the hell out of that brand for a long time up to this point…

Coach was a mid to high end retail brand that was known for quality and then they cheapened the crap out of it, and now they’re doubling back again and saying “no we wanna be high end again” which is a tough square to circle.

“Coach bag” in 1997 meant “she probably drives a Lexus and the family has a tennis membership at the country club”.

“Coach bag” in 2017 means “she’s the Mexican housekeeper”.


Who wore that Make America Great Again dress?!

Remember that singer who wore the construction dress to the Grammys a couple years ago?

Guess what bitches?


And gurl went ALL OUT this year.


Joy Villa is back, and this time she is stumpin for Trump in a Make America Great Again dress.

The shocking political/fashion statement was another creation by Andre Soriano, a Filipino immigrant and proud Trump supporter.  Remember, he was the wunderkind behind her construction material dress from the 2015 Grammys.

After walking the red carpet in a stunning white gown, Joy revealed what’s the most talked about dress of the awards this year.


In fact, the dress was SUCH a big deal she made the front page of the Drudge Report.

when Drudge headlines a dress, you KNOW it’s a big deal

A couple years ago we called Joy a “QIT: queen-in-training”.

Now we can officially call her what she truly is:


Reaffirm your whiteness: become a Beyonce fan

Beyonce fan? Guess what: you’re basic.

There’s no quicker way to tell someone that you’re white than to say you’re a Beyonce fan.

I mean sure: you could wear Uggs during the summer, you could have a Starbucks order more complicated than your last relationship, or you could watch Real Housewives ironically.

especially Atlanta

But if you truly want to reaffirm your whiteness, you will publicly state your support for “queen bey”.

dress like the monarch who ransomed slaves!

Beyonce is the number one artist white people can come up with to pretend that they’re not racist.

At Taco Bell, to the drive-thru employee: “oh no, I’m not racist, I listen to Beyonce”.

To the Target cashier in the ethnic hair aisle: “you must mistake me for a racist, I promise, I’ve listened to “Drunk in Love” thousands of times”.

To a co-workers who says that Black Lives Matter: “I actually PAID for a TIDAL subscription, okay?”


WWJTSD? (what would joanne the scammer do?)

With her middling vocals, mediocre dance moves, and barely-noticeable work ethic, Beyonce is the “hot sauce in my purse” of music artists.

Being a member of the “Beyhive” absolves you of all responsibility and guilt of being white. It allows you to be on the hashtag right side of the hashtag struggle, signaling that you too were shocked when they replaced Aunt Viv on Fresh Prince. You’re buying indulgences quicker than Donald Sterling was buying up awards from black organizations.

v stiviano still got better dance moves than beyonce tho

But look at you. You sat there and watched Lemonade (or at least pretended to). You clapped like a seal, barked “YASSSS QUEEN” accompanied by a slew of indecipherable emoji, and you’d done your good deed for the day.

what all you basics look like

Good for you! You supported the passion project of the second-most-talented member of Destiny’s Child.


You did what was asked of you by the media. You genuflected to manufactured greatness, manufactured diva quality, manufactured shade.

“Ooh…she really told Jay-Z!” you said, about the production available exclusively on Jay-Z’s struggling TIDAL service that would probably be quietly shuttered in a month if Prince didn’t die this week.

Everything about Beyonce, from her achingly bad Super Bowl performance, to her failed attempt to upstage the legendary Tina Turner at the Grammys, is unremarkably average.


remember that time a 68-year-old outdanced and outsang a 27-year-old

There’s no depth to Beyonce.

She has no soul, no passion, no emotion.

She postures a little, she throws out a couple notes, she wears braids and you all hail her as the second coming of Aaliyah.

She’s the white girl who goes to Jamaica for Spring Break and comes back looking like Erykah Badu.

Speaking of Jamaica — Beyonce wouldn’t last one second in Jamaica, Queens. If she gets any lighter you’ll call her Lil’ Kim.

lil kim still got more talent in her pinky than beyonce does in her whole body

Beyonce tried to start a career based on the idea of: “what if Diana Ross left the Supremes earlier? And couldn’t sing?”

When you hear Beyonce, you don’t hear a generation of powerful female vocalists like Aretha, Diana, Cissy, Whitney, Natalie, Tina.

You hear Katy Perry with a MysticTan.

The true inheritors of the gospel, R&B, and pop legacies of the past are extraordinarily talented innovators like Janelle Monae, Azealia Banks, Crystal Nicole.

They’re not gonna be singing about “getting in formation” or their man who’s financing their work cheating on them while slowly dribbling out hashtags to grow their gay fanbases.

They’re going to be singing, powerfully.

They’re going to be activists, loudly.

They’re going to be snatching weaves through success instead of limply floating along with the tide.

Solange cute tho.

all bow to the true queen

Kristen Wiig slays in the Zoolander 2 trailer

I’m trying to contain the screams of excitement…


First, WATCH IT.

By far the best surprise is Kristen Wiig, who KILLS it in just a few seconds.

Those looks…those looks!


Don’t those look a little…familiar?


You’ve gotta love the Fall 2009 RTW references, a show that used plastic hubcaps and soda cans as fascinators while models strutted around a garbage pile of McQueen’s past shows…

…itself a reference to Derelicte, from the original Zoolander…

which was itself a reference to Galliano and McQueen collections of the 90s.

Ok I can’t handle this right now, I gotta go outside and have a cigarette.

This takedown of Raven Symone tho…

We all heard Raven Symone’s comments this week about how she would discriminate and not hire people with certain names:

I’m not about to hire you if your name is Watermelondrea. It’s just not going to happen. I’m not going to hire you.

Which is why we were stunned to hear when Raven, just a couple days later, tried to lecture Ann Coulter, a guest on The View panel.


Raven tried to lecture Coulter about past statements, saying that “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”.

Coulter ain’t having NONE of that…

Well…I’m at least talking about policy. You have a position on what people’s names should be…”Watermelondrea”. I mean…you insult people for their names. I’m talking about a government policy that affects all Americans, and immigrants, and the people living here, and it’s harming our country.

So you don’t follow it.

The look on Raven’s face:

The look on the panel’s faces:

The look on Coulter’s face: