Let’s put Martha Stewart in charge of everything, k?


This country would run a hell of a lot better if we just put Martha Stewart in charge of all of the things.

She is the master of taking crappy situations (your nasty azz kitchen, your nasty azz holidays) and making them f-a-n-c-y (sit yo fake Azz-elea down, Iggy)

girl looks like a less hot Casey Anthony

Also, unlike literally everyone in charge, she just





In a recent interview, Martha was asked about Gwyneth Paltrow. You know, that sad white girl who sells expensive crap in a magazine/website “Goop”–a total ripoff of what Martha has been doing since Oprah was some sad local TV news host.

laughing at your poverty!

On Gwyneth:

She just needs to be quiet. She’s a movie star. If she were confident in her acting, she wouldn’t be trying to be Martha Stewart.

Not only does Martha triple down on Gwyneth, she refers to HERSELF in the third person.

Martha doesn’t hold back though.

Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook and author of “Lean In”, has been getting every famous female personality to endorse her philosophy that women should “lean in” at the workplace to break the glass ceiling for women.

Martha has no time for such trivial bullsh*t:

Stewart also scoffed at Sheryl Sandberg’s best-selling book “Lean In,” saying women should spend less energy fighting barriers in the workplace and be more entrepreneurial: “Too much time is spent . . . Isn’t ‘leaning in’ spending a lot of time? . . . I think being entrepreneurial is something women should strive for, rather than working up the corporate ladder.”

Do you watch Orange is the New Black?

Martha’s got something to say about that too:

They could have done that so much better. That girl” — referring to Taylor Schilling — “is not good enough, the lead actress,” Stewart grumps. “I met the real Piper [Kerman]. She was in prison either the same time or after me, and I talked to her about it.

Martha knows better about the REAL Orange is the New Black…cuz she was THERE.

Which is more than you weak losers watching OINTB on your Netflixes with a tub of ice cream and a bottle of White Zin can say.

Face it–Martha knows all, from setting table knives to sharpening a toothbrush into a knife.

She’s run a billion-dollar company, written more books than that Harry Potter chick, hosted more shows than there are Real Housewives franchises, and has sold more magazines than Oprah without even having to put her face on the cover of every issue.

hey look, she even let allowed her slave partner to be on this cover.

in the inside fold where no one looks.

She even did a special on the FDR Memorial in DC, taking viewers on a tour through the little-known Washington landmark with a discussion of FDR’s Four Freedoms speech:

In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms.
The first is freedom of speech and expression…
The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way…
The third is freedom from want…
The fourth is freedom from fear…

It was what she followed it up with, however, that drove the point home:

 I wish somebody would give that speech right today. We need to hear it again.

From the big house to the White House.

Let’s make this happen.

I can’t handle this man singing right now

This man walks up on stage looking like a cross between Ice Cube and Emmett Smith.

And then he starts singing and he just…

…I can’t. Just watch…


I need a box of kleenex and a towel.

The song is O mio babbino carro by Giacomo Puccini, which is eye-talian for “gettonna outta my carro, gettinna my puccini”.

You know every girl in the audience saw that proposal and was like:


Would you ever shoplift a vibrator?

I will not judge the thirsty.


But this b*tch took it a little too far:

A Spencer’s manager told cops that she saw Lee “select a vibrator from the love unit” and then move to the “t-shirt cube,” where she allegedly slid the item “behind a yoiung [sic] child in the stroller.” Lee then departed the store, worker Dawn Hamilton told investigators.

Honey, if you need a little some, the way to get it is NOT stealing a vibrator from Spencer’s at the mall and smuggling it behind your tot.

Also, new nickname: “The Love Unit”.

At least she had the dignity to leave.

Oh wait…

With vibrator in hand, Hamilton appeared content to let Lee skate. But when Lee subsequently sought to reenter Spencer’s, Hamilton decided to notify police.

The thirst is real.

My favorite thing of all this? The mugshot.

get it

They always say Preparation H is the most shoplifted thing ever cuz it’s embarrassing.

Ain’t no shame in wanting a little personal massage, but would you ever shoplift a vibrator?

shit to shoplift this you betta have a big azz petticoat

See Why “C” isn’t Just for “Cookie” Anymore…

You heard of/are probably wearing a G-string right now.  Best thing to wear under a pink party dress (just a step below going nekkid, of course).

However, there’s a lesser known hot underwear trend that hopefully yo mama hasn’t heard of: the C-string.

Finally: no more wedgies, no more straps! (See a triple view here)

These earmuffs for your muff stretch from back to front.  It’s underwear with underwire.

They’ve been making the rounds for a few years now—and it’s unclear if any beezys are actually out there on the beach flossin with these yet.

You can buy them on Amazon now, which would make a great thing to send to your grandma (the divorced one who reads the dirty romance novels) for her birthday.

But Amazon has some reviews and wow…people is stupid.

wilson cardona: “No that good: It comes and a little package and my wife opened but it comes like sideways, she tryn to weared and breakes”

Sounds like you tried putting it on yourself first.

naomi bir: “ouch: I bought this because it seemed like a good idea at the time unfortunately the end got stuck up my butt and im now waddling maybe I should go to the e.r?”

No, “naomi bir”, you’ll crap eventually, and then you’ll clog the toilet with your $3 lingerie and you’ll have to explain to a plumber why it ended up in the toilet.  ER visit = $150.  Plumber = $75.  Shame = priceless.

redcannon: “Dumb Husband: I usually love when my husband buys me lingerie but this was so tiny I have no idea what he was thinking but it is still sitting in the packaging it came in.”

Take the hint from your husband, gurl.  Lose some weight.

Forget Jenny.  Be the first one on yo block to get a C-string and show off that ghetto booty.

Which letter of the alphabet covers your cooter?

Which one of your friends is the sluttiest?


mfw ugly bitches be all like “oh no I gotta pay for my own birth control now”

Today, the Supreme Court said that your company doesn’t have to pay for your birth control if it’s against their religion.

The case was brought by Hobby Lobby to the Supreme Court, so unless you’re out there selling arts’n’craps, you’re probably not affected.

If you old enough to use birth control and get insurance from your job, you old enough to pay $9 a month for it.  Cheaper than your weave.

News feed is blowin up with “omg f*ck the supremes” or “who gonna buy me Ortho Try-Cyclin”–so easy to spot the #thirsty.

9 bucks a month!  that’s two Starbucks drinks

Kurt Cobain’s daughter gives advice to all you emo losers

Recently, Lana del Rey said “I wish I was dead already” (finally, she knows how we feel when we listen to her music) and referenced Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, and other members of the “27 Club” (people who died when they were 27, which is a pretty sh**y-sounding club to belong to).

That didn’t sit well with Kurt Cobain’s daughter Frances Bean who, let’s face it, was literally more affected by his death than anyone, especially you emo losers moping around in Nirvana t-shirts and pondering killing yourselves.


She took to Twitter to say the following:

The death of young musicians isn’t something to romanticize. I’ll never know my father because he died young, and it becomes a desirable feat because people like you think it’s ‘cool.’ Well, it’s fucking not. Embrace life, because you only get one life. The people you mentioned wasted that life. Don’t be one of those people. You’re too talented to waste it away.


Kurt Cobain was a talented artist, but most people seem to forget he was also a heavy drug user, which ultimately lead to his death (not Courtney Love, she’s not coordinated enough to kill someone).

Drugs are bad kids, mkay? How many more brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, daughters and sons who we should be hearing more albums of beautiful music from have to die before you get the damn picture?

Put down the razors and the sleeping pills, pussies. Listen to the girl who had to grow up without a dad. Death is for the weak.

who put this bowl of onions under my face?!?!

No response yet from Lana del Rey, who is probably running her nails over the grooves of a vinyl record and looking at sepia-tone shots of Marilyn Monroe’s autopsy.

queen + meh

Close your legs bitches, sexy mugshot guy is taken

Monsoon season began yesterday when the Stockton Police Department’s mugshot of this interracial prince went more viral than a Chinese hooker with bird flu.

*heavy breathing*

Sure Jeremy Meeks has got a few felonies, and sure a bunch of ratchets would be knockin down your door to make babies with him, but this man could be classy as hell if we just scrub off those tats with a little Brillo.


Unfortunately for y’all, he’s got a wife and kids and is all Christian now, so keep your chubby claws off him.

awww he got a little pixel baby

Anyway, this time (he’s spent nine years in prison so he’s no stranger to the law enforcement system) he was arrested for having a loaded gun in the trunk. We’re obviously not dealing with Einstein here, but, well, you can’t have it all.

His mama set up a GoFundMe page so you all can spring him from the joint and rub your clitties thinking about him being on the loose.

keep rubbin!

Problem is this: if he was ugly as s**t, y’all wouldn’t give a skrit.

What was it that MLK said? Don’t judge a man by the color of his caramel skin or ice grey eyes, but by the content of his character…

Michelle be all like “Barack DO somethin!”

Plus there’s this to consider…

I wonder if that part matters to these girls…

Spoiled girl forces her mom to work as a cleaning lady to buy her clothes

If this girl isn’t the definition of “ungrateful little B” then I don’t know what is.

Lauren, who spends more than £600 a month, also had a wardrobe crammed with designer treats, most of which lie unworn.

Paying for it all is her mother Jackie, a carer on £6.81 an hour, who has been forced to take another two jobs, including a minimum wage cleaning role, in order to fund her daughter’s expensive habits.

I had to Google translate British to English, and basically this girl’s mom earns about $11.40 an hour to pay for her daughter’s $1000/month wardrobe.


My mom wouldn’t even give me lunch money, let alone buy me a grand in designer duds per month.

When asked why she does this, the girl says the following:

I know my mum is a pushover, and I’m not going to lie, it’s just because she’s really soft and she agrees to most stuff.

This girl’s lucky she lives across an ocean, cuz my mom would be happy to drive cross-country and whoop her azz.

‘I do feel pressurised when I see people in magazines,’ says Lauren. ‘They look like normal people but they’re really pretty and they’re wearing all new clothes, so you think, oh if I wear those, I’ll look really good as well.’

The only thing that’s pressurised now is my blood when reading that this girl forces her mom to drive her through her paper route (yes, her mom has FOUR jobs now) so she can “earn” her clothes.

Girl, you look like a baby Adele. No matter how expensive your threads are—nothing’s gonna change that fact.

And memo to mum: just say no.

Obama’s gym routine is wack

Bill Clinton (and a long-suffering Al Gore) had his jogging.

those shorts…smh

Bush had his mountain biking.

he’s cycling and he’s not even wearing shorts as short

And Obama has his…”weightlifting”.

is it fair to call him a lightweight now?

Obama was snapped pumping iron at a private gym in Poland.

Some tabloid photographer caught the Commander-in-Chief working on his triceps for a half-hour workout.

It looks like the other half-hour was spent waiting for a Polish grandmother to finish with the 2.5lb dumbbells so he could get a set in.

Sure–it’s good to see the President stays fit.

Remember this?

that photo alone created 15,000 new single mothers

Democrats, Republicans, Communists, bros, and hoes can agree—this sh*t’s embarrassing.

let’s get physical

Rihanna basically just shows up naked now

When Rihanna went to accept the Fashion Icon Award from the Council of Fashion Designers of America—she didn’t go out in just any old bandage dress.

Girl showed her titties to everyone—and still looked damn classy. Only RiRi can walk around in a floor-length dress and turban and still manage to terrify your mother.

Look, she even took a picture with her mom Naomi Campbell.

Look familiar?

Time may not throw a phone at you, but it’s still a bitch.

You know what’s sad? Poor white girl showed up thinking “I’m gonna be the most daring one of all!”…and then Rihanna walks in naked.

People are all shocked over this, but come on.

Rihanna’s got the body, she’s got the look, she’s got the crazy, and she knows how to party.

Shine on, girl.  Shine bright like a diamond.
